Dr. Gleesing currently practices Family Medicine with a specialization in Sports Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulate Treatments (OMT). Osteopathic manipulative treatment, or OMT, is hands-on care. It involves using the hands to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness or injury. Using OMT, Dr. Gleesing will move your muscles and joints using techniques including stretching, gentle pressure and resistance to ease pain, promote healing and increase overall mobility. He also is advanced in ultrasound guided joint injections for conditions such as degenerative joint disease.
He is a graduate of Western Michigan University (2007), Michigan State University College of Ostepathic Medicine (2011), Mclaren Macomb Family Medical Residency (2014), St. John Providence Sports Medicine Fellowship (2015).
Licensed in the State of Florida to provide telehealth services to his/her patients. Visit the following link for the Florida Telehealth Statute.